Amazonia Birding Lodge

Amazonia Birding Lodge


Birds of buglas

Here you can find our list of birds species that we have registered in our reserve, with 12 species of hummingbirds, 2 species of manakins and other families of birds

Aquí podrás encontrar nuestra lista de aves que tenemos registradas en nuestra reserva, con 12 especies de colibríes, 2 especies de saltarines y otras familias de aves.

Birdlist of buglas


Birds of the moth trap

Plain-brown Woodcreeper

Dendrocincla fuliginosa

Trepatroncos Pardo

Song         Call

Collared Trogon

Trogón Collarejo

Trogon collaris

Song          Call

Spot-winged Antbird

Hormiguero Alimoteado

Myrmelastes leucostigma

Song          Call

Oranate Flycatcher

Mosquerito Adornado

Myiotriccus ornatus

Song       Call

Squirrel Cuckoo

Cuco Ardilla

Piaya cayana

Song            Call

White-chested Puffbird

Buco Pechiblanco

Malacoptila fusca

Song           Call

White-breasted Wood-Wren

Sotorrey Pechiblanco
Henicorhina leucosticta

Song            Call

Hummingbirds of Buglas

Here you can find the common hummingbirds that often visit our garden or our hummingbird feeders. 

Humminbirds at feeder


Fork-tailed Woodnymph

Ninfa Tijereta

Thalurania furcata

Green Hermit

Hermitaño verde 

Phaethornis guy

Blue-fronted Lancebill

Picolanza Frentiazul

Doryfera johannae

Black-throated Brilliant

Brillante Gorjinegro

Heliodoxa schreibersii

Golden-tailed Sapphire

Zafiro Colidorado

Chrysuronia oenone

Humminbirds in Verbena Garden


Spangled Coquette

Coqueta Lentejuelada

Lophornis stictolophus

Wire-crested Thorntail

Colicerda Crestuda

Discosura popelairii

Glittering-throated Emerald

Amazilia Gorgibrillante

Amazilia fimbriata

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